Bruna Beber's Portfolio

Architecture in a glimpse: it's a WordPress portfolio site built using X Theme, containing multiple customizations I made using PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Bruna Beber invited me in 2017 to create and develop her portfolio before the launch of her 2017's book Ladainha [Litany] (2017).

Bruna Beber is a Brazilian Poet, writer, and translator. Born in Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro), she is author of many poetry books, like: A Fila sem Fim dos Demônios Descontentes [The Endless Queue of Disgruntled Demons] (2006), Balés [Ballet] (2009), Rapapés & Apupos (2012), Rua da Padaria [Baker's Street] (2013) and Ladainha [Litany] (2017). She is also the author of the children's book Zebrosinha (2013).